Indoor Solutions GSM/UMTS/LTE/TETRA/DMR/Polycom (Tetrapol)

Better isolation in buildings based on the usage of modern building materials and bulding methods creates barriers for heat and radio rays. This leads to reduced radio reception inside building complexes. In order to prevail over this challenge, ErvoCom offers you the possibility to install an in-house supply.

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    In-house supply GSM/UMTS/LTE/TETRA/DMR/Polycom

In a growing number of buildings it becomes hardly impossible to make phone calls and enjoy fast data transfer with your mobile phone. At the same time, claims for security, reachability and fast response times constantly increase. With our planning and realization of an in-house supply you get the best possible radio coverage of your property.

Via repeaters in combination with outside as well as inside antennas, we supply you with radio signals of all mobile network providers inside your buildings. Thereby, we care for an optimal reachability on your mobile device.

In addition to GSM, UMTS and LTE we provide the same services in digital mobile radio (DMR), TETRA and Polycom (Tetrapol) technologies. We are looking forward to come up with an ideal solution for your property, together with you. Please do get in touch with us.


We are glad to provide you with further information. Please get in touch with us:
ErvoCom Schweiz AG
Firststrasse 29
8835 Feusisberg
+41 (0)55 460 28 00


  • Complete mobile network provider coverage in security-critical rooms
  • Independence from individual providers
  • Make calls without any interferences
  • Higher reachability inside buildings an in basements
  • Improved response times for phone calls
  • Faster data transfer (UMTS, LTE)
  • Maintenance free in-house supply without any follow-up costs
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  • Title communication 418384275d8e8e663d8d8d552d97a66055616931c341a38916a42a728487ccb3
  • Title emergency security hover 33c7b16a08ed12b5020c02fb46ceee64d03f9d3dfe49ca8df4559f83865a270c